729 Questions

Question 731: What is your bucket list?

This is it. This is the last post. I started this blog two years ago on October 1st, and now, I can cross it off my bucket list.

This project was created because I often need compartmentalization in order to accomplish goals. A good example is when I was in college, and we were forced to draw an entire figure’s shape first, then fill in the details. It is a technique I can only do with charcoal or pastels (or with a unsharpened pencil). I couldn’t let myself see the entire figure or I would never finish the drawing. It had to be in some state of completion from the moment I set the graphite onto the paper, or I wouldn’t want to finish it.

Other than everything I start but never finish, my bucket list is quite simple. I want my life to be meaningful to someone. It doesn’t even matter how many people’s lives I make a difference to. I want how I see the world to be someone’s life journey… and I want their journey to be easier than mine. I’d like to write a book about love, and travel to new places to the point of mental exhaustion every night. I’d like to ride a train to the point I can see the earth curving, and ride a horse to feel the synergy between me and another creature. I’d like to eat food I’ve never tasted before, make brief friends whom I will never see fault in, and cherish farmland nestled in hilly countrysides. I’d like to take pictures full of light and colors. I’d like a chance to see every star in the sky without light pollution. I like to see both the sun and moon eclipse before my own eyes.

I’d like to experience being truly alive.