729 Questions

Question 609: How do you feel when you are in bed with the lights out?

I am energized when the lights go out. I’m not the kind of person that easily falls asleep. My mind has to be exhausted before I can rest. I should wake up earlier and get to bed sooner in the day, but I really like to dream, so I often mess up my schedule, sleeping three or four hours past when I meant to wake up.

I do not blame myself, though. I get great story ideas from my dreams (I don’t just write my dreams down verbatim either; I learned how that is a terrible way to make stories while I was getting my Master’s degree; I also completely agree with the notion).

I wonder if this question is geared toward a child, like the rest of them in this series are. If so, my readers are going to be in a world of bore for the next couple of weeks…

I should apologize too, but I can’t really fix the order of the questions. Well… I guess I could, but… I don’t want to.

Anyway, to answer the question for today:  With the lights out, I’m not put to sleep so easily. Unfortunately, I suppose.

I’m a night owl.