729 Questions

Question 40: Describe your typical day, from wake to sleep.

I wake. My boyfriend makes me coffee, and then I go on my computer and write. When I am bored of writing, I play video games. When I have lots of homework, I write, I research, and I draw conclusions by writing some more. I sometimes draw other things, like illustrations and illuminated manuscripts. I tend to only draw when I really don’t have homework, and I’m in the middle of a drawing project. When I want to know what others are doing, I Facebook. When I want some air, I go outside, and walk on the trails, next to the Chocolay River. When I come home, I sometimes make food. I am sometimes alone. I am often with my roommate or my boyfriend. My roommate and I may talk about relationships. We may talk about what is streaming through Netflix on our Roku box. She may just go to bed. Then I sit, and I write, or draw, or play a video game.

Then I go to sleep. And I dream of a lot of things.

Republished on the Whaleshares blockchain on 12/13/2018.

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