729 Questions

Question 18: What is the longest you’ve had a “borrowed” item but not been able to return it because they moved?

After a while, borrowed items become my possession because the idea of ownership is subjective and one of those domains I find a bit murky in terms of borrowing. If they forgot you have it, and you forgot you borrowed it, where is the true place for the object in question?

At any rate, the longest borrowed item I have ever owned is a bowl I got from a friend that used to have a crush on me. He bought it because he wanted to share Tamaki and Tea with me in near-authentic bowls and chopsticks. Oh, I have the chopsticks too. I use them and the bowl all the time. I just can’t microwave it. The bowl gets too hot.

I’m usually good to remind people who I have something that is theirs, but for the case with the bowl, the guy had simply forgotten about them, and I didn’t want to contact him to remind him. Things are always awkward when you find out a guy likes you but you can’t return the feelings. Especially for this sorry lad. I was dating one of his friends at the time.

Post republished on Whaleshares and Steemit on 11/24/2018.